
прохладно имя прилагательное:
прохладный (chill, cool, tepid, chilly, breezy, caller)
клевый (cool, classy, zingy, super-duper)
свежий (recent, fresh, cool, crisp, new, breezy)
спокойный (calm, quiet, tranquil, peaceful, cool, easy)
отличный (great, excellent, cool, classy, splendid, super)
хладнокровный (cool, dispassionate, collected, self-possessed, self-collected, cool-headed)
замечательный (remarkable, wonderful, great, admirable, marvelous, cool)
невозмутимый (imperturbable, unflappable, unperturbed, impassive, cool, unstirred)
нежаркий (cool)
равнодушный (indifferent, apathetic, unconcerned, aloof, cold, cool)
сухой (dry, dried, arid, dead, desiccated, cool)
неласковый (cool)
дерзкий (daring, bold, cocky, insolent, cheeky, cool)
беззастенчивый (shameless, cool, impudent, calm, hard-core)
нахальный (impudent, sassy, brash, cheeky, cocky, cool)
неприветливый (surly, unfriendly, cold, cool, wintry, ungracious)
потрясный (incredible, zingy, super, cool, tremendous, killing)
круглый (round, circular, rotund, orbicular, moony, cool)
безучастный (indifferent, neutral, disinterested, vacant, cold, cool)
прохладно (cool)
свежо (freshly, cool, coolly)
охлаждать (cool, chill, refrigerate, refresh, chilly)
охлаждаться (cool, refrigerate, cool down, cool off)
остывать (cool Down, cool, cool off, get cool, simmer down, chill out)
остужать (cool)
студить (cool, chill)
выстужать (chill, cool)
настудить (chill, cool)
холодить (cool)
имя существительное:
прохлада (cool, coolness, chill, fresh, shade)
хладнокровие (composure, cool, cold blood, coolness, equanimity, sangfroid)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "cool" в других словарях:

  • cool — cool …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • cool — [ kul ] adj. inv. • 1952; mot angl. « frais » 1 ♦ Jazz cool, aux sonorités douces (par oppos. à hot) . 2 ♦ (v. 1970) Fam. (Personnes) Calme et détendu. ⇒ relax. Il a des parents cool. Baba (3.) cool. Interj. Cool, Raoul ! du calme, pas d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • cool — [ko͞ol] adj. [ME & OE col < IE base * gel , cold, to freeze > CHILL, COLD, L gelu] 1. moderately cold; neither warm nor very cold 2. tending to reduce discomfort in warm or hot weather [cool clothes] 3. a) …   English World dictionary

  • COOL — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Cool, qui signifie littéralement « frais » en anglais, peut faire référence à : Sommaire 1 Localité 2 Musique et radio …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cool — (auch Coolness; von engl.: cool = kühl, kalt) ist ein ursprünglich jugendsprachlicher Begriff, der in die Umgangssprache eingegangen ist. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Wortbedeutung 2 Siehe auch 3 Literatur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cool — cool; cool·ant; cool·ing·ly; cool·ish; cool·ly; cool·ness; in·ter·cool; in·ter·cool·er; pre·cool; re·cool; sub·cool; un·cool; su·per·cool; …   English syllables

  • Cool — Cool, a. [Compar. {Cooler}; superl. {Coolest}.] [AS. c[=o]l; akin to D. koel, G. k[ u]hl, OHG. chouli, Dan. k[ o]lig, Sw. kylig, also to AS. calan to be cold, Icel. kala. See {Cold}, and cf. {Chill}.] 1. Moderately cold; between warm and cold;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cool — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of or at a fairly low temperature. 2) keeping one from becoming too hot. 3) unfriendly or unenthusiastic. 4) free from anxiety or excitement: he kept a cool head . 5) (of jazz) restrained and relaxed. 6) informal fashionably… …   English terms dictionary

  • Cool C — Background information Birth name Christopher Roney Born December 15, 1969 (1969 12 15) (age 41) …   Wikipedia

  • cool — 1 chilly, *cold, frigid, freezing, frosty, gelid, icy, glacial, arctic Antonyms: warm 2 Cool, composed, collected, unruffled, imperturbable, unflappable, nonchalant are comparable when applied to persons, their manners, appearance, temper, or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Cool It — may refer to: Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist s Guide to Global Warming, a 2007 book by the Danish statistician and political scientist Bjørn Lomborg Cool It (film), a 2010 documentary film based on the above book Cool It (TV series), a… …   Wikipedia

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